The Arizona Records Improvement and Information Sharing Strategy (AZ Strategy - formerly known as AZ ICJIS), is a plan for criminal justice business process improvements and development for a statewide network of criminal justice information sharing systems. The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC) is the coordinating agency for the elements of the AZ Strategy.
Since 1995, ACJC has been the State Administering Agency (SAA) for federal funding through the National Criminal History Improvement Program, directed at improving the completeness of criminal history records in the state of Arizona. ACJC also administered funding for the Criminal Justice Records Improvement Project, funded through the federal Byrne grant. ACJC continues to work with state and local agencies to leverage funding for criminal justice automation projects.
The vision for the strategy is to enhance public safety and security for Arizona citizens through a collaborative justice information sharing environment while protecting the privacy of citizens and confidentiality of information.
Under the guidance of ACJC, stakeholders have formed a governance structure to guide record improvements, automation and integration projects according to a statewide strategic plan through 2017. This includes a Policy Team and a Technical Team that report to the Commission.
ACJC continues to guide the process through the following goals and objectives:
GOAL 1 – Improve criminal records quality by increasing the timeliness, accuracy, completeness and accessibility of record information.
Objective - Identify opportunities to enhance the automation of information delivery, the effectiveness of programs, and the efficiency of operations.
Objective - Promote records improvement collaboration across the flow of the criminal justice system.
GOAL 2 – Enhance information sharing across jurisdictional boundaries.
Objective - Develop a conceptual framework that supports information sharing leverages initiatives and opportunities.
Objective - Pursue avenues that enhance the connectivity of disparate components, systems and databases to promote seamless information delivery.