Statistical Analysis Center
SAC Overview

Strategically housed within the program, the Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) serves as the criminal justice research arm for the State of Arizona. The SAC collects, analyzes, and disseminates research and statistics related to public safety and criminal justice issues across Arizona. SAC projects are conducted at the direction of the ACJC or as required by statute for local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies. The goal of SAC's research and analysis is to support data informed policy development and drive evidenced-based criminal justice improvements. These data are critical for a variety of agencies and community organizations to inform program development and grant procurement.

The SAC is the statewide of equivalent of the National Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and is an active member of the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN).

Below is a list of current projects the Statistical Analysis Center spearheads:

Arizona Youth Survey
Annual Sexual Assault Report
Arizona Gang Threat Assessment
Fill the Gap Report 

To access current reports, click here.