Civil Rights Compliance

As a recipient of federal financial assistance, we are required to ensure that sub-recipients comply with federal and state statutes and regulations that prohibit discrimination in federally assisted programs or activities. This includes hiring on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex and disability, and the delivery of services or benefit.


Civil Rights Compliance

Click here for the Civil Rights Compliance Checklist to assess your agency’s Civil Rights compliance.


Civil Rights Policy

Civil Rights Policy # CJC-305 lays out the procedures U.S. Department of Justice grant program sub-recipients must use to respond to discrimination complaints from their employees, clients, customers, program participants or consumers. For questions or help, please contact the ACJC Civil Rights Complaint Coordinator at: civilrightstrng@azcjc.gov


Online Training

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has developed online training for its funding recipients. ACJC has made this training available to all of its sub-recipients, and please contact civilrightstrng@azcjc.gov to request registration in this training. All ACJC federal funding sub-recipient agencies must designate a person whose job duties include civil rights compliance to participate in this annual training.

All agencies must participate in multiple training modules. Click on the Training Fact Sheet to learn more about the trainings your agency is required to participate in.

Agencies who are not currently ACJC sub-recipients who need to take the training for another State of Arizona grant funder will access the training by clicking HERE.

Please note that these publicly available trainings do not have a registration and tracking component, so you will need to screen print the last screen of the training as proof of your completion.


Training Help

For assistance or more information on Civil Rights training, please contact the ACJC Civil Rights Training Department at civilrightstrng@azcjc.gov.


Office of Justice Programs

Compliance Verification Information Form

Arizona Attorney General Civil Rights Page

Procedures for responding to discrimination complaints

Arizona Criminal Justice Commission Method of Administration